Wednesday, October 22, 2014

The Awakening Chapter 21-30 Dialectical Journal

"I have a quick temper, but I don't want to quarrel or be rude to a woman, especially my wife; yet I'm driven to it... she's making it devilishly uncomfortable for me" (Chopin 88).
       In this except, Mr. Pontellier reflects upon his feelings based on his wives new attitude and lifestyle. This part in the novel is particularly interesting as it highlights the opinions of outside sources rather than just that of Edna's inner feelings. By including this, Chopin emphasizes the views of society and traditionalists at the time while illuminating another perspective to further the importance and rarity of Edna's decision of self change.

"She says a wedding is one of the most lamentable spectacles on earth. Nice thing for a woman to say to her husband" (Chopin 89).
     This humorous quote from Mr. Pontellier drastically portrays the progression of Edna's journey into freedom as well as her awakening. Edna is shown talking to her husband saying that weddings are regrettable, highlighting her character development as she no longer attempts to hide her newfound self and rather emphasizes her views to her husband by indirectly sating that she regrets their own marriage.

"A way that pleased her at last, appealing to the animalism that stirred impatiently within her" (Chopin 106)
      After Edna kisses Arobin, she states that she is at last pleases and finally giving into her deepest desires and wishes of her "animalism" that has been within her all along. At this point in the novel, Edna undergoes a turning point, fully giving into her freedom and kisses another man. This realization is detrimental in Edna's search for liberation as she illustrates her rejection of societal expectations and no longer chooses to conform to beliefs that she does not agree with.

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